Scientific Integrity

The Consortium has been designed to ensure independent scientific integrity of the research conducted and the results obtained and published.  Specifically, the TSC has been intentionally composed of a diverse set of stakeholders including oil and gas, midstream, other industrial members, members from non-government organizations such as environmental, natural resource, and water use and management associations, state and federal land and resource management groups, and academia.  This composition helps to ensure that broad input and discussion of project, plans, and results are considered.  NMED and NMSU shall share available data regarding the Project, including reports, task completion progress, reasons for delay of task implementation (if any), and results of Project implantation, with the Membership for review and comment.  All TSC members will be expected to recuse themselves from review of any proposal that originates in whole or in part from the TSC member or an affiliate.

After review by the membership, the GAB will then also review with the TSC the review of results and process to ensure full transparency in a project review.  After agreement by the TSC and GAB and final approval, the NMED and NMSU shall publish al the Project results and make all information available to the public.